White Collar Criminal Defense
Seattle, Washington White Collar Criminal Defense Attorneys
Seattle Business Monthly has listed Mr. Iaria as one of Seattle’s best lawyers. In his white collar criminal defense practice, he has represented individuals and businesses in state and federal courts on cases involving health care fraud, money laundering, mail and wire fraud, bankruptcy fraud, environmental crimes, tax evasion, theft, criminal profiteering and racketeering, bribery and public corruption, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and other economic crimes.
His trial experience and expertise allow him to achieve success in the courtroom if a proposed resolution or settlement does not meet the client’s goals. For example, he represented, on multiple counts of theft and evasion of the special fuel tax, a large excavation company that would have been put out of business if it had accepted any of the plea bargains offered by the government. After a hung jury in one trial, the corporation was acquitted in a second trial.
He also has experience leading clients though grand jury investigations of which they are targets or subjects. In one case, his client was one of a handful of targets of a four-year federal investigation into alleged fraud and environmental crimes at the North Slope drilling facilities of a major international oil company. The client was not indicted. In another, he represented a target of a lengthy federal investigation into the allegedly fraudulent billing practices of a major local hospital and its associated physicians. The client was not indicted.
Mr. Iaria also has experience guiding non-target and non-subject witnesses through grand jury investigations and corporate employees and executives through internal audits and investigations, including, for example, recently counseling a vice-president in a Fortune 500 company that was conducting an internal investigation into possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
For the white collar criminal defense client, Mr. Iaria’s extensive experience translates into an ability to perform at high levels in the face of exceptionally demanding pressures, to evaluate and synthesize large amounts of data, to understand organizational culture and behavior, and to put together and lead a defense team made up of professionals, para-professionals, investigators, and experts from various disciplines.